Roadmaps are overviews while plans are detailed. Plans include the project’s Who, How, When and so on.

Project plans are built by project managers, while Roadmaps are usually the vision of the senior management.



Make your objectives SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound).


Key milestones, or stepping stones, set the pace for the project through the finish line to track progress and help identify bottlenecks.


Which assets must be produced to hit set milestones?

Deliverables might include designs, reports, reviews, and final products.

Deliverables might include designs, reports, reviews, and final products. This is where more granular planning breaks the project milestones into smaller assets and sets due dates according to the Roadmap timelines. These deliverables will guide project managers. as they assign individual task work across the team.

Tips for planning your project roadmap deliverables.

Break down each project milestone into smaller, individual deliverables.

Identify which deliverables are non-negotiable priorities vs tasks that could be deprioritized if a blocker arises.

Establish due dates for when each deliverable should be completed to stay on track with your set milestones.

Note which deliverables are going to be internal vs externally completed.

Create a plan for how individual contributors will be assigned independent task work and how dependencies will be managed to hit goals on time.


Plan how you’re going to complete the project on time

Find out what skills and resources you will need to complete the project

Establish the budget

Check if the resources needed are internal or external


From milestones to deliverables to resource planning – a timeline informs deadlines and capacity planning to ensure the project objectives are achieved.

You can read the complete article including my highlights here